Preventive Dental Care
Preventive dental care can be defined as oral care that involves treatment, education, and the practice of maintaining the teeth and gums. From annual checkups to daily brushing, such tasks help in avoiding gum disease, enamel wear, and cavities which ultimately lead to tooth sensitivity.
Common Practices in Our Dental Office
There are a couple of dental procedures that could occur when you visit your dentist. The dental examination can be seen as a preventive mechanism. This is because the purpose of the exam is to detect any form of tooth decay. Once the examination is done, the dentist will recommend the next course of action. They will have the patient’s teeth cleaned which helps in preventing gum disease and cavities.
The dentist might need more than one appointment depending on the severity of the situation. Treatment of gum disease could be necessary given the fact that it will require the experience of Periodontics if there is an infection.